The Clever 50 benchmark fell by around 2.50 percent to settle the week at 23,532, while the BSE Sensex declined almost 2.40 percent to end the week at 77,580. The NSE benchmark shut underneath the 200-day moving normal interestingly since April 2023. The two benchmarks lost around 2.5 percent for the week.
In spite of a level opening, tension from heavyweight stocks pushed the value benchmarks lower, bringing about a muffled meeting to close the week. Worries over rising retail expansion, driven by food costs, and persevering disillusionments in corporate profit weighed vigorously on opinion.
Most areas reflected the benchmarks with metals, FMCG, and auto stocks among the hardest hit. Nonetheless, the IT area showed versatility, acquiring almost a percent in the midst of the broad selling. More extensive files, including midcap and smallcap stocks, lost north of four percent each. Twelve of the 13 significant areas logged week after week misfortunes. The Clever Bank record fell almost three percent.